Mar 26, 2009

In case you missed it,

Hypocrisy... more of the president being out of touch... no outside ideas need apply... bla bla bla. Basically, you hope for change, you get what you deserve, a politician.

Oh, and that "online audience"? They are the ones that got you elected, so fuck off!

Mar 21, 2009

The hell is wrong with those people?

"The man had been twice convicted of raping a young boy and more recently had served probation for assault after lunging at a child."

Hmmmm, and the head of that state almost became VP. They must have been running on the law and order ticket then? How is this guy walking around?!?!?!

Make sure you don't miss the part: "They are among 15 states where the practice is not explicitly illegal."

I'm disappointed.

There is trouble in the forest...

Or should I say, fight the power?
I feel the fool for at first being confused about the name tag.

Mar 16, 2009

Back from NYC

A comment on the new iPod shuffle. There is NO upside. Fuck Apple, I'm one step away from going PC. I've been deprogrammed.

Mar 8, 2009

An unusual post

So, the original link that I was posting to was this:

And my comment was that I was disappointed that under "ingredients", there wasn't "beer".

But as I was searching for an appropriate image, I kept finding "pastries" instead of "pasties". Well, some of the photos reminded me of Piroshky Piroshky. So then I had to look up Piroshky Piroshky. So then I started to think about my last birthday when I said it would be my non-vegan day (which I didn't do). But then I thought that I could do it this year for my 40th, and eat the hell out of some of those scallion cheddar cheese rolls. But then I thought "Fuck that, I should just eat one of those next time I'm in Seattle". I'm not falling off the vegan wagon (meat wagon?), but if you see me in the Pike Place Market any time soon, leave me alone! I'm feeling guilty and oh so satisfied...

Feb 21, 2009

Pretty cool photos

I'm gettin' me some felt boots!

It is sad that the rest of the world make some of the basic building blocks of society and we make weapons...

unbWEAVEable is right

This sounds like bullshit to me.

Feb 20, 2009

Pete and Megan should weigh in,

and Michael + Amy. AND Jess and Chuck.
AND Merc/Kels...

It's Manifest Destiny all over again.

I better cool it now,

I got to slow it down.


Feb 19, 2009

The Internet is over, fine with me.

Between the NZ government, Hulu's handlers and the Pirate Bay prosecution, not to mention the ISPs throttling their customers service without informing them, the internet will soon be one giant commercial. Time to go back to books.