Sep 30, 2005

Sep 29, 2005

one thing I definitely love about Portland

is all the great restaurants. I always stop at the Dockside to get a burger and hang out with all the cool people.

buy it!

another for R

thursday weirdness

mostly, I posted this because

someone used the term "post-ironic" to describe this magazine. also, because it is now my first true porno link. opening pandora's...

"Box is the latest in a new breed of mindful soft porn. It offers a post-ironic combination of fine art photography and illustration, literature, documentary and editorial reviews. What's best is that it's neither gay nor straight, male or female focused-- it has something for everyone without making anyone uncomfortable. But it's still very erotic."

Sep 28, 2005

generate some stupid stuff

love the site name


and especially here
how could there be a use?

london calling 2

one for R...

and make sure you don't
miss the splash page. Ha!

london calling

one for D...

Sep 27, 2005

can you watch the whole thing?

ah, horsehair worms,
gotta love em.

if this still works

everyone should do it.

sorry about all the game/puzzle posts

but this is just too creepy to pass up.

I would have posted this yesterday

but someone thought that I was buying this and I got embarrassed.

kinda like the Indiana Jones post

if you are a DJ Shadow fan you'll know why this made me smile

download direct
(right click, save as, y'know
the drill)

Sep 26, 2005

ok, now this is just amazing

I found this site and said to myself
"wow, cool" (smart, huh?) but then
I thought of looking to see if I
could find my apartment...
WTF? There it was.


I like the
web site too.

a match made in heaven

well, I'll just get one of each,
but if you have a small
(really small) garage,
you may want to get this.

ps - it looks like you can order
a Smart in the US now... maybe.

married/engaged folks may not read this

I have come back in time to send you this link

I know I've said it before...

but holy shit!

Whatever you do,
watch the video!
DHS in da house!

hey, what do you know?

it's the flat shoe guys.
once again, for younewyorkers.

for michael and royal

a little puzzle to make you nuts,
try all 3 for extra frustration,
grow cube
grow rpg
grow ver. 3

so long...

and thanks for all the military-grade weapons.

Sep 25, 2005

a slight change of plans

You had me at "30 foot-high", I'll take my chances with the quake.
