Jul 26, 2005

Is $100 too much to spend on beer?

Not for 100 beers! I kinda feel like an ass for posting this, like I'm fuckin' Citysearch or something. Hmmm, Sigysearch.com? But I never knew the 5 Spot had this sweet deal. Just letting you know that you and your neighbor can score some tasty late-night food and wash it down with an ice-cold Heineken.
Heineken? Fuck that shit! Pabst Blue Ribbon! Plus the bartender-guy is this great old gruff dude. Unlike the unnamed young gruff dude that I used to get drinks from. Just kiddin' JJ.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmm, mac & cheese and a PBR. I see myself sitting in the 5 Spot bar after 10pm in the near future.