Jul 23, 2005

So I'm getting rid of Mozilla...

and I was transferring a few links over to Firefox when I can across this Arthur Ganson video. His stuff has a kind-of evil feeling to it, but very, very cool. It's like if Rasputin designed the game of Mousetrap. The page with all his creations doesn't have the video working right now but I'm sure a Google search would turn up more.

Lunchtime project

A little origami to play with. (giant macintosh file)

I still haven't seen the damn movie.

Jul 22, 2005

Well, I'm sure everyone has seen this by now.

But just in case you were on vacation. Watch this very sophisticated, very French, commercial from Sony.


If only these dorks were able to pull this off in high school.

Or maybe just with some other people around.

Bedtime Stories

So it was suggested by a friend that I go to this guy's blog to read some funny stories. The first one was pretty funny and seemed to have a karlesque nostalgic feel to it.

The second story I read made me lighted-headed. It's about butt-sex and I'm kinda glad I wasn't eating at the time. Enjoy.

Jul 21, 2005

You think your car gets good mileage?

You know nothing. Check this out.

Artistic Children and Tough Love

No one loves kids more than I do, and I can't get enough about hearing all the stories of them shitting their pants, how smart they are, and every little fucking thing.

But of course YOUR children will be talented artists and with that in mind, you should prepare them for the off chance that they will have to deal with a little criticism.

What the hell are you following this link for?

It's costing jobs!
Those IT decision-makers are watching you.

Jul 20, 2005

An Old Beginning

This blog is where my beleaguered friends can come so they won't have to suffer my daily email rantings and endless link dumps.
In the future, more people will be informed so as to save them the pain. Thanks goes out to Michael for helping me suss out the design. Please let me know if you see any spelling mistakes!