Dec 22, 2005

I would work here


now this is just sad

have some respect for the elderly.

But THIS is mind boggling.

eh, that image didn't work very well...

fun fun

for the weak-minded, like me.

me want

seems to be the theme of my posts lately. Gotta go grab a Adbusters.
Check out the Anamorphic Series.

Ding Dong

la la la la. I am probably the only one that is happy about this. Happy Geek.

Dec 20, 2005

my new favorite site

for you

do not watch

just forward to any warmongering friends and relatives.

are you a jerk with a kid?


Year end

Useless facts about useless searches.

a stroke of idiocy

Under par? Yes they are.

Dec 19, 2005

I checked this place out

when I was in NYC. Probably the "coolest" restaurant in the city.

See? I told you.

The evidence is pretty convincing.

Am I the only one,

who thinks that Bono might be in the wrong place?

Great name, great art

I still don't know what the hell this MySpace thing is, but I know this is cool.

Article here.