Jan 27, 2006

we can only hope.

but we know it will never happen.


I don't like these:

4 ME

screw you breeders.

looking for a new job?

Might want to look at this. I think my resumé has every word on it.

sad, angry, scared?

I don't know how to feel. I like Alternet about as much as I like The Stranger and I took this story with a grain of salt, but that being said, I found myself grinding my teeth while reading this. F'n US goverment.

I know that I'm obsessed,

but I don't know if today's is
so great because of the deal
or how funny it is.
PS - if you ever get a woot that
sells out before I can get one,
I'll kill you.

Jan 24, 2006

best thing ever

Amy, are you still reading this?

NOTE: Mirror that seems to be working.

this is pretty damn cool

sign up and be a part.

another for the ladies

or goths

mish mash of "cool" ads

and here

Stupid Dumb

I so wish that I was part of this.