Oct 7, 2005


this is a good thing

Oct 5, 2005


Who knew?

I'm on a roll

soon I'll have a device to annoy each and every one of my friends.
Then they won't miss me when I'm not around.

there is no doubt in my mind

that everything in
my life should glow.
Thank god for this place.

I can't imagine

that anyone I know
still eats at Burger King.
But just in case.

xmas is right around the corner

hint, hint.
best to view w/o sound

Oct 4, 2005

those bastards

They are stealing our seconds!
Or are they slipping extra ones
in under our noses? I'm not sure,
but it ain't right, I tell ya.

I hate these things,

people forward them,
everyone has taken them,
they are a scourge
on the interwebs,
so here:

rowdy roddy piper

I turned on the tv last night and I caught the last part of this movie. I had never seen or heard of it before. It has one of the most amazing casts ever put together.

just enough time to post this

Bang! Another great reason not to live with Karl. Best invention I've seen since the cd of annoying noises. A good birthday present for Pete. Happy birthday Pete!