Jul 10, 2006

nerds unite!

around me.
thanks ken.


Office. Get it? Funny!
and this.

Jul 5, 2006


just another post about how dumb people are.

Jun 26, 2006

that's it?


Jun 22, 2006

next Bush idea?

Organs can 'be extracted in a speedier and more effective way than if the prisoner is shot,'

may taste good...

but the look is not working for me.

Ha Ha!

12 out of 14, baby!

Jun 20, 2006

more grow

took me longer than usual.

Jun 16, 2006

another potential

please, please. someone give me a rationale to buy this 67 dodge dart with brand new 318. Ahhh!

Jun 14, 2006

is this real?

the end is when it gets weird.


or is it?


for how I feel this morn.

Jun 13, 2006

posting for posting's sake

in a bad mood. Not really into it. Gonna put up photos of the next vehicle I may buy. comment if you want.

Jun 1, 2006


"both a religious mission and
a military mission -- to convert
or kill Catholics, Jews, Muslims,
Buddhists, gays"

the company's web site is here.
Get ready for Christmas sinners!!!

my future self

Anyone want to make a Home Depot run with me?

May 25, 2006


with wives!

May 23, 2006


I just came across this again. What a great game.

I come from a land down under!

Do not click on this!

May 19, 2006


combining my
2 favorite things,
and smoking.

holy shit

this is cool.

May 16, 2006

kinda interesting tool

for seeing what is up.

just barely deserved posting

but if you hate Hallmark cards:

I'm sure everyone has seen this

but it's cool.
So if you haven't,

here & here too.

some nice art

I like the MTV HD one.

Let's go to France

anyone? June 23-25.
Sasquatch is for WIMPS!

for anyone who has not been in my apartment

this will give you an idea.

time to go through all my links:

another for the ladies. how do I find these? why do I feel the need to post them? I must be a pervert. but the design is cool, right? I like the Nea.

Apr 26, 2006

Buy for your family and friends

But especially for me! Get me presents!!!

most will find this boring

But I think it's cool,
so there.

Something to get the Dems riled

some cool art

Inspired by a cool dude.

Apr 12, 2006

does this look amazing?


For geeks only!

Apr 5, 2006


Very odd video, very very odd.

Apr 3, 2006

me like

if you like turntablism, these guys are great. probably only Royal will appreciate.
Check out the videos section, especially the second two.


as in, Bob Ross funny.

and then there is this.

great advice for everyone i know

It saved my life.

Mar 28, 2006

since I am on the topic of "sex"

the new issue of BOX is out.

Mar 27, 2006

Mar 24, 2006

cool stuff

that is all.

So, now we don't have to go

to this? eh, Royal?

Need something done?

Check these guys out!

anyone interested?

In becoming a designer?
Let them know.

Mar 20, 2006

I don't care,

I want to see it. But I'll agree that there are many (many) reasons to be wary.

Interview here.

busy morning,

so you just get some quickies.

Mar 15, 2006

the "new" thing,

is the new last thing. And it's already played out.

have we

taken the
thing a
little far?

this post
is boring.