Aug 3, 2005

I don't have the MTV so bear with me.

First up is Minty Royale with a pretty cool remix of "Singin' In The Rain" with a bit of Kleenex box dancing thrown in for good measure. I just linked to the site and you can pick the Windows Media or Realplayer version. Watch out, the site plays music automatically when it loads.

Then, my favorite, which certainly is on MTV, but whatever, is Carpark North with "Human". Wow, great casting and some amazing shots. I watched it again and again.

If you don't like the vids, comment and I'll post less of them. Maybe.


Anonymous said...

not a big fan of the song but the video is disturbing as hell and really amazing
(d aka patty, the one that can't remember her password)

Anonymous said...

like the vids. Keep it up! The breakdancing one is a good song and good effects. The one with the kids is just ok to me... needs more continuity or something, rather than just a bunch of cool shots thrown together. It felt like they were doing a spoof of a movie or something. Were they?
