Subject: Ring Around The Rosie
Question: Is it about the Black Plauge
Nope, it looks like it's not. Also not about Shiva, the Hindu deity. Academic opinion is that it was a way for children to skirt strict religious laws against dancing. Generally thought to be comprised of random rhyming words. Snopes had it covered but I followed up.
Anything else?
But what about "Ring Around the Oprah?"
Thanks, but I think you at least need to specify that I said that it's not about the black plague.
the word "need" seems to thrown around a lot these days...
As soon as "god hates Vegetarians" comes online, you can put all your theories about the black plauge out there.
leggo's site should be:
"God mildly dislikes vegetarians."
mine will be:
"If god didn't want us to eat animals, why did he make them out of meat?"
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